LIGHT AND DARKNESS WITHIN YOU / TRAUMAS AND LIMITS Published 2 April 2023 by Za'el and Arien - English Za´el: Welcome back. Thanks for stopping by to listen to me again. Are you still hungry for more? That's a good sign. Today, I'm going to talk about a topic that I think can be very useful to you because it's really something that is useful to all of us. It's a topic that I'm struggling to tackle because I still don't know how I'm going to put it into words. Sometimes, the mere fact of writing these concepts down helps to put them in order in your head, and they stop bouncing around without any sense. I recommend it. I have never in my life met anyone, either on Earth or off Earth, who lacks either side, light and darkness, at least in this range of frequencies and densities in which we move. As Mari said a little while ago in her last video on the United Federation of Planets, they do exist in what we call high identity, something like pure light beings, to define them in some way. In order to make sense of what she said and what I will say today, let's clarify what we mean by light or darkness. In this case, we define light as the absence of evil. Innocence, love, good intentions. We define darkness, on the other hand, as the opposite. Envy, resentment, hatred, fear, revenge, bad intentions. Actually, this theme is strongly linked to shadow work, but we can approach it from another direction. We have all felt things from both sides at one time or another. We have felt happy to see someone we love very much being happy. We have acted in an altruistic way and in the most honorable and fair way. But we have also felt envy, or maybe we have imagined a situation for someone that is not very nice, maybe to make that person understand something that at that moment they didn't understand because of lack of empathy or whatever. That's just one example. Those feelings also exist outside the Earth, of course, although there it is much more abundant and for a myriad of reasons. But I'm going to focus on the one that will serve me to continue along the path that serves me best for this topic. In the near future, I would like to address the issue of how 3D influences people from outside the Earth and people inside it who already hold thoughts at a frequency that makes them incompatible with their environment. But today, I will talk about the people who are raised and continue to live there. There is one indisputable fact, and that is that a hostile world forces you, to a greater or lesser extent, to adopt, in the long run, certain attitudes or ideas accordingly. These attitudes or ideas are not necessarily hostile. Sometimes, they simply generate traumas of a different kind. But the fact is that growing up surrounded by certain customs will eventually influence you, and those habits don't necessarily have to be bad either, nor are they good. But perhaps they can cause you some problems socially with certain people. And sometimes, these ideas or habits are so ingrained in you that you may even think that it is too late to change them, and that can lead to great frustration. In the case of trauma, it is a whole issue to deal with because sometimes we call trauma a learning, and we call learning a trauma. Let's say that having learned from an unpleasant situation gives you tools and a new radar to detect those situations. The problem is when that learning becomes a trauma, which would be the moment when the internal radar warns you, you lose the ability to act logically and coherently based on fear. It is perfectly normal that when the internal radar is activated, you feel discomfort or a very unpleasant sensation that is almost always fear to some degree. It is not a matter of not feeling fear, that will come only with time after applying the following. When the internal radar that the bad experience once brought you is activated, you will feel fear, and that's okay. Even with that fear in front of your nose, you will be able to push it aside and look at the situation with maximum logic and objectivity. Does this warning or fear mean that the situation will happen again, or does it simply mean that it could happen again? Am I sure that it will happen again? What precautions can I take compared to the last time that will allow me to analyze the situation as I move forward without putting myself in danger? And if what I fear happens, what will happen? And what if it does? I may have a bad time for a while, but when I'm well again, I'll have learned something else, and I'll be even stronger. Of course, it's up to you what you want to expose yourself to in order to overcome trauma. But the key difference between the experience and the trauma is whether or not the fear is affecting your decisions or whether or not you are knowing how to make them despite the fear. Although I warn you that making decisions based on experience rather than fear does not ensure that you will never fail, and we must be prepared for that. But what if you fail? You will go on living. You will always go on living, and you will remember these words of mine that I hope will come to you as a hug if you need it after falling down. It's okay. You're going to be fine. You will rise again. Just give yourself time to come to terms with it. However, sometimes the experience will unfortunately lead you to be forced to act in a way that you don't like or that makes you feel uncomfortable, or that might alter the image others might have of you. Many people would say that this is being forced to be bad to protect yourself. This is where discernment and self-care come in. Sometimes, you do need to learn to assert yourself, to learn to stand up for yourself, and to learn to say no. And in the worst cases, that attitude can be a very important one. And on the worst occasions, the attitude that you are forced to assume will cause rejection in the other person. Does that mean you are being bad? Should you give up standing up for yourself in situations or people in order to always be what you consider to be good? Forgive me, but that is not being good. It is being… no, not what you're thinking. It's being complacent. When someone is abusing you in one way or another, and to whatever extent, consciously or unconsciously, it's up to you to draw a line or intelligently escape down a path that doesn't leave you in your integrity forgotten or pushed aside. That, to me, does not mean being bad. But you can look at it in the following way, which I think you will find much more interesting. As Sirius Black said in the famous Harry Potter saga, "The world is not divided into good and bad. We all have light and darkness within us. The important thing is which part we choose to empower. That is who we really are." As Aunt May said in one of the Spiderman movies, "We all have a hero inside us that makes us honest, that gives us strength, that enables us, even if sometimes we have to stand our ground and give up certain things." Shall I tell you how a being of light becomes a being of light? By accepting and integrating all that is, and that includes the darkness. If you keep pretending to others and to yourself that you are a being of light, you will never become one. You can accept your darkness as a characteristic present in you and use it for what you believe is right, always trying to avoid harming others unless there is no other alternative. You can aspire to always use your light and your more righteous and noble side, but that does not mean giving up always taking care of yourself. Who helps heroes? Besides, as a certain little girl says, and as I myself say, it has much more merit to carry a terrible monster inside you and keep it at bay than to be a being of love and light with nothing to work for in that respect. You may have certain habits or ideas that life has passed on to you, but the way is not to reject them but to start by accepting them as a characteristic of you that does not define all of who you are. If they turn out to be a problem in your interaction with others, I can only tell you three things. One, that you can choose to really try to work on them with full determination to overcome them, only if those people are truly important to you and highly respectful of you and the way you are, and therefore actually accept you even if it makes them uncomfortable. Two, that you don't have to adapt your way of being to others necessarily because the most normal thing is that those people accept you as you really are and try to accept you that way or at least accompany you and take you by the hand in the process of overcoming what you want. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to face the hard truth that they're not really your friends but friends of the character you've tried to create for them, and sometimes that means separating, as Arien said in the last video. Three, that the day those ideas or customs have disappeared, you will surely realize that they disappeared when you had given them the least importance, when you had integrated them as something in you which is not all that defines you. You are everything. Light and darkness. The Source is not made up of just one side of things but of all that you are capable of imagining. And you, as the very Source that you are, so you function as well. The moment you integrate your brightest light and your most horrible darkness, your virtues and your flaws, and lose the fear of showing how you are, always moving towards the best version of yourself, and lose the fear of failure as well, you will be practically invincible. Let the darkness empower the light, let anger drive you and turn into determination, let sadness encourage you to know how strong you will become when you rise again. May fear give you the opportunity to test your cool mind, may your cunning and steadfastness allow you to take care of yourself and look out for your well-being when others try to subdue you. Let darkness be your ace up your sleeve. The rest of the time, may light always be your ally. Za´el of Erra