NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THE BRAIN - TAYGETANS, HUMANS, AND OTHER ET RACES **NO VIDEO** Published 16 February 2021 by ATTACHE, english TAYGETAN BRAIN Anéeka: Our brain is a single mass. The main differences with the human brain being that it works much faster. That is, it forms connections faster. It does not think in terms of duality only. This also implies a full use of both hands, i.e., fully ambidextrous. It has up to 500 cubic centimeters more brain mass volume. Although the head is apparently equal in size, inside it discharges more slowly and is structured differently, also because it has no cleft between the lobes. But the Taygetan skull is slightly larger. It is noticeable in the frontal part with a lot of forehead and very straight, a lot of frontal lobe. It entails a mathematical thinking integrated with artistic thinking, understanding not only both, but mixing them as a single knowledge, being that there is art in engineering and there is art in mathematics as the fractals of sacred geometry, for example. That is, one does not think in terms of technology attacking the artistic or demeaning it, but it is all mixed, technology and art. So, it is not like on Earth where, depending on the person, he may have more facility in one field, although there are preferences, but not because he cannot deal with mathematics, for example. Everything is relatively easier for races with two hemispheres. We also learn faster all subjects equally with faster data processing as well, but with a higher consumption of glucose as well. That is, it uses more energy. The cerebellum is larger creating a greater connection with the etheric, just as the nervous voltage is greater as well. You are more electric, generating more body static. URMAH BRAIN As for other races, the Urmah, for example, also have a single mass brain. Cat brain, but already very evolved. As you will see in this picture below, in the brain above, with the Alfrateans or the Ummites, they have a large cerebellum, but still retain two lobes. 1. The corpus callosum is larger in them than in humans, connecting both hemispheres more efficiently, but not as effectively as a unified brain in other races. Externally they look almost the same or the same, but inside they function differently. In the case of the Alfratans and why they have the 2-mass brain, it is because, per se, the Alfratans are basically stellar humans. As you know, they came out of Earth for the most part. They will evolve and express themselves physically as they are best suited according to their consciousness and their life through the generations. As we have always said, genetics only reflect how and who their owners are. So, even though you may be in fifth density and your DNA has returned to the original state, by your frequency you still are a match to having your brain that way. That is a reflection of your own ideas, your own priorities. In this case, your need to see things separately. That is very human, they separate everything. The need to dissect to understand. They break everything down to see its parts according to how each part works. That's why the idea of living in 3D, 4D, 5D, 7D or whatever, when there are no densities, it's just an idea they have. Everything is one density and it is up to everyone to see where they can see. HUMAN BRAIN That is a very big difference between Taygetan mentality and the human mentality. The human tends to separate to understand something, by the sum of its parts. The Taygetean tends to unify and understand what it is by its whole and how it connects to other things. The human tends to take something smaller, to dissect it into simpler parts in order to try to understand it better. The Taygetan tends to look at something and try to see the connection to the whole. He tends to sum, to integrate. It is because of the way his brain is made, as we say here. Breaking things down into simpler parts will not give you a reliable explanation of why things happen. It only limits. Because no matter how much you dissect a frog you will never know what a frog is, or what it feels like to be a frog, or what it means to be a frog. For the human, how the internal organs work is more important than the being. Here, being comes first. What it means to be a frog. And life is sacred. This is as an example of why ultimately as races they do not understand each other. HOMO CAPENSIS BRAIN In contrast, for example, the Homo Capensis of the star Asterope, in M45, compared to the Taygetan brain, do have a lot of skull, but that translates to little brain density. That is, a lot of wow, but little intellect, comparatively, of course. Another point is that they have a unified brain, but a lot of corpus callosum, little density, as I was saying, and this means that the bony plates of the skull differ from the human skull. The main bony cranioencephalic cranial encephalic cleft is missing. That is a reference point of the unified brain in contrast to the three-point junction found at the top of the human skull. The human being has a more compact and dense brain. In many or all circumstances, it works better and faster than a more porous one. This is in defense of the Lyrian races. That is, do not be impressed and even intimidated by that skull. It is not that they are less, of course not, just that with so much head they do not have more intellect as in IQ compared to a Lyrian skull like the one we have. Also, they contain more cranioencephalic fluid and brain support fibers which are the structures that hold the brain in place, which makes them resistant to shocks as if they were wearing an integrated motorcycle helmet. So, my point is that Homo Capensis in a competition of intellect have no advantage against someone with a round skull like Lyrian. They are not the great invincible geniuses they appear to be, it's just a variant more inclined towards protection, and I still see it as problematic to have that in your head or to have a head like that. This also traumatizes them, you can tell they keep it hidden. Not just on Earth so that humans don't notice it, but they also hide it where they don't have to. That is, their clothing at home includes those kind of accessories on the head to lessen the aesthetic impact of their skull. In the case of Homo Capensis or Elohi, they are not directly related to us. That is, they are distant relatives of Lyra. As you may have noticed, in space, outside of Earth, there are beings that range from exactly like humans to others that look similar on the outside but not on the inside. And all sorts of variants on a scale or decline from the same to very different. And everything in between. I'm talking about thousands and thousands of races. So, they fall on the scale of less similarity to humans. TAYGETAN BRAIN Going back to the Taygetan brain, compared to the human brain, our pineal gland is 400% larger and is fused within the corpus callosum. But as we have said, the whole body, not only the brain, is the antenna. The pineal is more developed and larger in a unified brain. It is an important piece, like all of them, but it is not the only entrance of the soul, to call it in some way. Each cell will have its own connection or version of connection to the etheric side or spiritual side. That is, the pineal gland, contrary to what is said, is not the only point of the body that is responsible for extrasensory perception and the connection with the Unified Field, but the whole body, as a whole, gives or receives that connection. The pineal gland is only the most obviously active element within a system. Within a whole. Another aspect is that they say that the human brain has about 80 billion neurons. I don't have the comparative data for ours. I don't know if they are even counted. You don't have such a mechanical concept here. But we must consider that it is not only how many neurons but also the complicity of the networks and how they are interconnected. That is, brain or neuronal density, not just quantity. That is why I am telling you that Homo Capensis are not necessarily more intelligent because they are not, it is just another model. I dare to say that the Taygetan brain must have an average number of neurons equal to that of the human brain. I say that because I don't have more data. I can ask Senetre or Yázhi, I don't know if they have a better answer. HUMAN BRAIN Another characteristic is that among humans it has laterality. That is, each hemisphere of the brain interacts primarily with one half of the body. The connections cross. The left side of the brain interacts with the right side of the body and vice versa. The motor connections from the cerebrum to the spinal cord and the sensory connections from the spinal cord to the cerebrum both cross the midline at the level of the brainstem. So in the case of a single mass, brain has no laterality. It functions as a whole. Being that laterality is something as a concept, because physiologically it is like having redundant systems because any nerve function controls both sides. But it does have it in the sense of knowing or being aware of the sides, but not as a left and right brain function, not separately. TAYGETAN BRAIN As an example, I can write one-handed with equal skill with my left hand as with my right hand. On Earth, almost all languages are written from left to right which makes it difficult to write with the left hand. Except for Arabic and Japanese, among others. In Taygeta, so this is not an impediment, we write from top to bottom and then column to the right. But this does not only happen in writing, but I see no difference between using my left and right hand having the ability even to do something with one hand and something totally different with the other. As a crude example, I can brush my teeth with full skill and care while handling the PC mouse to see things in the meantime. Among many other things, as in shooting, painting, cutting, etc. In the case of humans and the two-mass brain, what can determine being right-handed or left-handed? The reason for me is simple. It is simply this way because there is no reason why it should not be, since, essentially, the side is just a concept. But the why, spiritually speaking, would boil down to the same as always, to better reflect how you were in a previous life or how you are in other densities by frequency parity. However, as a physiological reaction, I do not know the direct reason. I guess because that doesn't happen here. But not everything is better by having a unified brain. For example, one tends to be highly dyslexic. Although that's also because of our native language which is not linear. So, again using myself as an example, I have a lot of problems with the order of letters or I put spaces where they don't go or I just don't see a spelling mistake because all the letters are there, but not in the right order. I just see the word and I understand it, but I don't see that it's misspelled. So, our orthography with human language is not so good despite countless hours of writing and as we get tired of writing as the hours go by we become more and more dyslexic to the extent that we can no longer write well. As time goes by, I make more mistakes and spend more time correcting them before sending the sentence. In other words, we tend to have dyslexia with all earthly languages, but not with our own. As I have told you before, it does not observe the same inflexibility of syntax and grammatical construction as a human language. Another case is that we will try to solve a mathematical problem using musical tones imagined in the mind or vice versa. For example, the target frequency of a spacecraft is represented by a mathematical number, but it can and is stored many times as a series of musical tones. That is, the address of the Earth or any other place is represented by a tone, not by prime numbers. TAYGETAN NERVOUS SYSTEM Our nervous system is much denser than the human nervous system. It has to be as it shares information with both sides of the body. By denser I mean that the nerves and nerve endings can support a greater signal load. That is, they support a greater range of stimulus discharges between the dendrites of the neurons that compose them, with a recovery time and regeneration of transmitters between each discharge, and this by a greater amount of mitochondria in all cells which provides a greater amount of energy. This translates into faster metabolisms. On the negative side, having an increased cellular metabolic acceleration, especially in the nervous system, can cause the cells to collapse or be exhausted more quickly, which increases vulnerability to diseases caused by adrenal overstimulation, i.e., stress. An example of this is that one is prone to suffer a lot of frequency dissonance. So, as a positive aspect we would see it reflected as more physical resistance, but at the cost of vulnerability in terms of cellular energy overload, as I described above. That is to say, it increases the resistance in neurotransmitters and to their regressors or neutralizers. This results in a cell or neuron having to work harder to stimulate the next cell or neuron to produce a stimulus and a nerve transmission of any kind. This is caused by stimulus overload. In short, we suffer more from stress. It can also be explained by the fact that genetically we are not accustomed as a race to as much constant stress as humans are there. We have no way to counteract it. It is only recently, and using me as a guinea pig, we are seeing that doing a lot of exercise every day, and I mean a lot of exercise, two hours or more sometimes, helps to get rid of the harmful effects of stress and frequency dissonance. Compared to humans, on average we have almost twice the physical strength and endurance at the cost of half the endurance in terms of stress.