VASECTOMY, MOUNT BUCEGI, AND MORE - MINITOPICS WITH GOSIA (TAYGETA - PLEIADES) Published 14 November 2021 by Cosmic Agency, Gosia Vaccine Samples Gosia: It is a pity that we could not share it a few months earlier because maybe we would have been able to save more people before they are vaccinated? Anéeka: I did not have the data I have now. Gosia: Why did Alenym send the Hashmallims only now? Anéeka: The fact that they took placebos last year delayed everything, but that was part of the controllers' plan, that's what placebos are for. We weren't "allowed" to maneuver fighter craft by the Federation. We have to pass flight plans all the time. So Hashmallim had to go down putting themselves at risk to seize 3 brand samples. Gosia: It looks like the Federation knew it then, that´s why tried to keep you away. And the tractor beam? Anéeka: They didn't "let" us get close enough to use it. All that constant confusion from the Federation to me is proof that they are complicit. Also the fact that the nano graphene´s have to be manufactured with a replicator device capable of generating matter from energy because each one of them is made up of individual atoms organized in a crystalline form that can only be achieved with a very high tech device. Gosia: I think, what you have said in some conversation with Robert, I don't remember where, that maybe they think that for the "Earth to ascend" it is necessary to take a lot of people out of here. Anéeka: Yes, that´s what the Cabal says and it is reflected in the Federation's position, they see no other option to save the Earth but to eliminate 95%+ of the human population. I do see another option, they do not. All the time they are justifying that it is either the planet or the humans. What other option? Re-organize the entire political and power structure of the entire world with empathic races as mentors. But for that the Cabal and all the inflated rats that compose it have to relinquish power. And that is what they do not want. So it is NOT a scenario of The Earth or the humans but a scenario of the humans or the elite so go for the humans. That is what is intolerable. ------ Fibers falling from the sky Anéeka: Those fibers are chemical compounds of chemtrails that stick together by their very chemical bonding, but the main component of those fibers is nano graphene in a crystalline state, that's why it doesn't look black. Basically, it is nano graphene carrying a huge amount of particles of other things that vary from place to place. ------ Facebook - Meta - Name Change Robert: What´s that about Facebook now being called Meta? Anéeka: Hmm... Meta = beyond, end. META = name of a British Intelligence organization in the '80's that collected information on the population especially the female population around the world and worked in conjunction with Mi6. It collected information Robert: And you don't know what else might be behind all that FB stuff? Anéeka: I feel it may be a Facebook fame cleansing maneuver, because in the last few years it has been accused of many things. The human mentality is very simple, with a simple change of name their simple psychology gives them the idea that everything is different, that it is not Facebook, which that name denotes already something murky to begin with: Face Book or a book full of faces = collection and list of personal information of subscribers. META, I see it as they chose it not as "end" but as META from its Greek roots, "beyond". That is to say beyond Facebook. According to Google, META also means: "more comprehensive or transcendent." To me that seems shady on Google's part because I have never seen that definition before for the word META which is well known and studied by me for its connections in Intelligence circles. It seems to me to be put there as to give meaning to the new name of Facebook, as to give that to the population as a meaning of the word META when it is Greek which simply means "beyond". Robert: Unless it is the initials of something like FB. Who knows what that could mean. Anéeka: Yes, Gringo’s love anachronisms. Like MAD = Mutual Assured Destruction as in the situation of nuclear weapons deployment from both sides Russia and USA. And MAD also means angry. Robert: What does "metaverse" mean? Anéeka: Mixture of Greek META and VERSO or "word" or "paragraph" in Latin, meaning "beyond the word". ------ Vasectomy Anéeka: I do not recommend it because it causes medium to long term disorders in the male body including strong autoimmune reactions and also atheromatic plaques and hardening of arteries and clogging of arteries and blood vessels, and accumulation of such in the brain which triggers dementia and strokes and serious and fatal cardiovascular events. And that on Earth, because here we don't do that. It takes years for the problem to accumulate. Problem that NOBODY tells you about on Earth is the one described by me above. The problem is that since there is no castration but only cutting of the sperm ducts, the testicles continue to produce millions of sperm a day. But they do not find an outlet as the system was designed from the beginning. So the only way for the testicles to get rid of the huge production is through the bloodstream. The problem is that sperm is not a normal cell that can degrade or dissolve like other cells and be eliminated through the kidneys. Sperm is an armored cell, with a protective shell or hard cell membrane that does not dissolve, similar to an exoskeleton. This causes the sperm to accumulate throughout the body gradually and progressively, and will accumulate in key or problematic sites, such as weak points of the cardiovascular system precisely in the carotid arteries that go to the brain, and ventricles of the heart and pulmonary vessels. Then the body begins to see them as an invading cell because they cause problems and will have an immune response to the sperm. This is an autoimmune response as it develops antibodies to a cell that contains its own DNA, 11 chromosomes. Causing autoimmune diseases that can present as strong allergies to anything of a disabling nature. As the sperm accumulates over time it will stick in the arteries and the body will try to isolate it using cholesterol, which will accumulate in the fragile parts of the blood vessels and this cholesterol cannot be removed because it is stuck with millions of sperm, creating clogging of blood vessels, which will eventually, decades after the vasectomy, cause heart attacks, dementia and death. Gosia: So if it is reversible, is it advisable to reverse it? Anéeka: Strictly speaking yes. And the damage will not be reversible but at least it will not increase. The organism is designed to move the sperm out, not to contain it inside. It also has its problems like cysts, infections and malignant tumors, but at least it is not dealing with a daily heavy production of material that it cannot eliminate or get out of the body. ------ Mount Bucegi Yazhi: Mount Bucegi. There is a large DUMB below, it was Federation, it was about 5000 years old. It was almost intact but in the last two decades the Cabal Illuminati emptied the place. It is empty but the DUMB remains. It is under the Sphinx of the Carpathians. Sphinxes sometimes mark entrances to DUMB’s, also at Giza. Robert: But did the Cabal empty it? Yazhi: Yes, and recently. Robert: Who made that Sphinx? Yazhi: Same people or a similar group with the same basis of beliefs as the sphinxes of Egypt of which only one big one remains. The one in Romania, Bucegui is a little less ancient than the one in Egypt but it is much more deteriorated, mostly because of the erosion of the site which is much greater than in Giza, and also because the stone that was used in the construction is more porous. Robert: It seems that there was a high level of technology. Yazhi: Yes, that's why the Illuminati emptied it. There were computers, Mag-lev transports connecting to Giza among other places like Crimea, recovery chambers, a whole city down there with robotic guards. Robert: It looks like there were tunnels connecting to Giza as you say. Yazhi: Yes. And to Crimea, not that far away. That's why Crimea is so disputed. It has a huge pyramid underground in a shallow intra-terrestrial cavity. Robert: And there are more bases like that? Yazhi: Yes, there is another one south of Crimea. North of Yalta, but that's the closest city, however there are other openings to that intra-terrain, all south of Crimea. I don't remember if to the north as well. That intra-terrestrial place is very large down there. Robert: But it's all uninhabited, isn't it? Yazhi: The intra-terrestrial base, yes it is uninhabited, but how do we know? Someone else could already be there, someone from the Cabal for sure. Every time something is discovered that might go against the official story and affect their narrative or bring out something about ancient technologies more advanced than modern ones, the Illuminati send their agents to the base. Howard Carter. In 1924 they sent him to sweep up Tutankhamun's tomb. He was financed by the Rockefellers. He was an Illuminati agent. Robert: And they hid stuff or everything is exposed in the museum of Cairo? Yazhi: Yes of course, the Cairo Museum doesn't have the most important pieces, those are taken to the Vatican catacombs, and the most impressive but normal ones to Museums in Paris Louvre, London and in the USA New York and Washington DC as well as Michigan as well. Robert: Do you know something they discovered that they didn't tell the public? Do you know what they may have taken to the Vatican? That it was in that tomb. Yazhi: I am not sure, because there is no data. But what I can tell you is that Tutanhkamun had a dagger that is of non-earthly material. That dagger alone obviously escaped the sweepers, because it is a simple dagger, but made of materials not found on Earth. And vessels with monoatomic gold. Robert: Maybe it was a gift from someone stellar. Yazhi: Surely. I would dare to say that it could be of Urmah origin. (Image) It is the same, only the lights change. The cover differs, I don't know why. ------ Giant Trees Gosia: "I would like you to ask Yazhi about the Tartarians and the ancient large trees that we see only remnants of. What happened to the people (Tartarians) and the huge trees?" Yazhi: There were giant trees before the flood, got destroyed in the pole shift, during all the planetary chaos. Some were cut down deliberately, the ones that survived the flood. They were cut down probably to lower the Earth's frequency. They do exist in other planets, in Erra not to go further. Gosia: To lower the frequency? They were keeping it high? Just because they were giant or why? Yazhi: A tree is an etheric antenna, brings life to Earth, gets radiation and manufactures Earth, material world with it. Trees are Earth... its interconnected etheric brain if you will. As it was well explained in the movie Avatar. Gosia: Manufactures Earth? What do you mean? Yazhi: They are a nervous system for Earth. They are consciousness, they are half in material world, half in spirit world, manifesting hard reality as you know it there. A tree is life for Earth the planet. And from Earth everything else is manifested in an all-connected way. I'm talking about a flow in consciousness, a flow of awareness / gravity. Formed by all plants especially trees. Formed by animals as well, but they all depend on one another. There is a system of interconnected flow of consciousness, as should be. Should be because that's the design embedded in every cell in living beings, in DNA even. Plants make Earth live... plants make animals live, animals other animals and the cycle goes to animals reinforcing and fertilizing the ground which prompts more plant growth and with more plant growth more plant eater animals that feed the carnivores that maintain a healthy number among the plant eaters. Gosia: When you say trees are half in the material and half in spirit world, isn´t it the same for us? Or it´s still in some other way? Yazhi: In a way, and from the conscious point of view of someone with attention in the material side. For explanatory purposes only. In reality you know what I mean. Everything is spirit. Gosia: But I mean, are they more spiritual than... I don´t know, raspberries for examples? It´s TREES specifically that perform that function? To manufacture Earth and be its nervous system? Or all plant life? Yazhi: Raspberries are as spiritual as trees, but trees are bigger in perception and do more load of work per unit than a raspberry. But all plant life yes. Turn minerals and energy-radiation into life for everyone. Therefore, creating life from what looks like lifeless substances. No animal can do that! Plants develop and form the building blocks for all life in a planet. Animals grow and live because of plants, all of them. Gosia: So if you live in a place surrounded by trees, it is better for you than living in a desert? Yazhi: The dynamics are different. When you are around trees you are also around everything that goes with trees, birds, insects, other plants, all kinds of animals, water and everything that goes in the water. All that affects you, how you feel, how you think, because you are in an energy soup, and that's ok and good especially with trees in a forest. Even elementals of the forest. But in a desert... you are still connected to the whole, to the planet in an etheric way, but you are objectively more isolated than in a forest. That isolation makes you more easily aware of the boundaries of self. You become more aware of who you are as an individual. Prompting a different kind of spiritual awakening and experience than in a forest. So a desert promotes very intense spiritual epiphanies. Very much into the I. The ME. The who the hell I am. I love deserts with all my heart! Mostly because I get so little of desert in my life. That vast solitude makes you aware of who you are! They make my eyes come to tears. Gosia: Forest is too rich. Yazhi: Yes, to have that kind of spiritual experiences yes, the forest is too rich an environment, all full of stimuli, flooding your senses. Makes you connect to Earth, to the creatures that live there, as part of a community. When a desert promotes your sense of oneness. I may be crazy, but if I had to live on Earth, I'd chose a desert. In a great nothing... you are at your best. The energy flowing in those places is immense. The vastness, the cold. The soft sound of sand crawling on the ground. I love that silence. ------ Tartaria Yazhi: Tartaria is a name referring to a planetary civilization, but that name is found only on Earth, so I have no stellar references to "Tartaria" from this side. Most probably may be an alternative name for Atlan or Atlantis civilization given by someone else. Or the planetary civilization that preceded Atlantis, as I mentioned before there were 6 of them before, counting this one. But what remains of them is very shady, with hardly any details.