ATTACHE, english
November 13, 2020


Anéeka: In Taygeta we tend to try to solve a mathematical problem using musical tones imagined in the mind or vice versa. For example, the target frequency of a spacecraft is represented by a mathematical number, but it can and is stored many times as a series of musical tones. That is, the direction of the Earth or any other place is represented by a tune. Not with cold numbers.

(Showing a clip from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Tones").

That's holographic thinking. A conversation. An energetic direction using frequencies and the perfect mathematics between each tone and note. Perfect relationship. You play a tune and the ship knows where that is.

As they say right there, that's a conversation using only frequencies. They say the universal language is math, but that's not exactly it. They are missing things. It would be base 12 mathematics, but in relation to frequencies not mathematics in sordid, empty numbers with no meaning of their own, but applied to something, to music.

If the tune is beautiful and perfect with a harmonic relationship between each note, the mathematics that governs it is correct. Otherwise, it collapses the formula.

If the notes do not match each other, which is called cacophony in music, then there is an error in the formula. The average human sees boring numbers. We see music.

As many people say, they don't see mathematics as useful, and I understand it. They are missing this: the simple application beyond the practical. Mathematics is music and music is mathematics, it changes everything now.

For example, a Warner symphony can be written with notes on a staff or it can be represented with a series of mathematical formulas that represent exact tones and frequencies and their relationship to each other. In fact, writing notes on a staff is seen as too simplistic and leaves out subtle and necessary frequency changes that make the music.

Writing a symphony with mathematics representing frequencies is more precise and accurate and that is how music is written in Taygeta. By using mathematics to write music you can go to infinity representing more and more subtle and precise sounds and frequencies.

For example, take Mozart, I bet if he heard how his music is performed today, he would say no, and that this is a contempt and that this is not the way it was. Because the original frequencies that he intended to share have been lost. If it had been written in mathematics nothing would have been lost.

Questioner: Is it true that much of our music has been altered in frequency? Like it had been changed in the last few years or something.

Anéeka: Yes. That's yet another problem. It was altered to be dissonant. So that it doesn't move the emotions the same way. Like today they're trying to eliminate emotions with the vaccine. Notice that the original frequency was 432 and today it is at 440.

432 = 4+3+2 = 9 and 440 = 4+4+0 = 8

The 9 here is the key. Synchrony, perfect mathematical number and sacred geometry.

Questioner: Wow, we have none of the good stuff left, it seems. Do you know where the influence of great classical music here on Earth like Mozart or Beethoven or Debussy came from?

Anéeka: Yes. They bring it from other planes of themselves, but from higher up. They are starseeds. They bring their inspiration from the strong connection they have with the Field, with the Source, with the Original Source, and they channel it.

Questioner: Yes, but do you have records of what influence, what race they might be?

Anéeka: I don't know. I would have to look into it.

Questioner: Do you also listen to music at the same frequency 432, or a different one?

Anéeka: 432 because it is the base, the 9 of sacred geometry and of base 12 mathematics. We see that as a graphic representation of music. This is not only something that looks beautiful, but it is music visually embodied and this is why healing using sound is a big key and it is how it is done in many 5D worlds, including Taygeta.

Each group of sounds, or frequencies specifically, alters a group of tissues synchronously. Exposing the tissue to its correct frequency brings all of its cells into harmony. I just feel this works faster in 5D than in the slow and doughy 3D. Although I know that in Egypt there were sound healing chambers. And this is also why binaural sounds work, especially for relaxation, but also for healing.

And if you combine it with a sensory suppression chamber, even better. If you float in a chamber where you don't hear anything but the tones and you are there floating in the dark in water at ideal temperature, it heals body and spirit. The water alone raises your frequency and if you put quartz in it, even better.

Questioner: And what effects do binaural sounds have on the brain? Does it stimulate some parts of the brain? What changes at a biological level does it produce in our brain?

Anéeka: It releases tension. It harmonizes and stabilizes neurotransmitters. It brings you back to greater connection with the Source and the unified field. Resets the brain as in meditation. Depending on the tones, one or another part of the brain is stimulated or all together as needed.

Questioner: Thank you Anéeka. And can they stimulate the change of densities? That is, to be scalar?

Anéeka: Yes, as everything necessarily is or are frequencies, it helps to be scalar.

Questioner: What does it do if you listen to sounds with subliminal messages?

Anéeka: It reprograms your brain in an unconscious way, that's why you have to be careful with what you listen to. Since it is subliminal, you could program unwanted things there. But it is a useful tool if it is well used.

Questioner: And do binaural waves have the same effect on our brain as on yours, or is it different?

Anéeka: I don't know, but here everything moves faster in terms of changes and manifestations. Yes, everything differs just by density.

Questioner: Thank you Anéeka. Here they say that space is a vacuum and it is soundless. We know it is not a vacuum, but is there sound? And if so, what produces it?

Anéeka: Yes, but first we have to decipher or understand what it is, or what they mean by sound, because from the most practical point of view, sound is what you hear with your senses, contrasting with vibration and frequency.

So sound, as you hear something, there is no sound in space, but there is frequency and vibration. Space is not a vacuum, they only understand it that way on Earth because they fail to detect what it is with their basic and manipulated instruments with agendas so that humans do not advance.

Space itself is a fluid at very high frequency, like water, and it behaves like water. Even in the Bible there is talk of the waters above, a reference perhaps to forbidden knowledge. Space itself is water at high frequency, the Ether. It behaves exactly like a fluid with its shock waves and all. These waves spread through space, from the smallest to the largest expanding waves. This movement is of potential energy contained in the Ether as a fluid. Like each wave in the water, it contains potential energy that must be dissipated until the pool of water is in perfect equilibrium again. That is, without the waves.

In the Ether, or in the space, these waves that are dispersed using the mathematics and properties contained in the fluid mechanics are gravity. That is to say that gravity itself is the waves, as in the water in the images above, where in the center, creating the waves, there is something we call a standing wave. This is the subject already given by Swaruu. That every wave, when it receives a harmonic of its specific frequency, note again: harmonic equals music, a wave will remain as a ridge above that never becomes valley.

This point where the potential energy is concentrated and does not collapse again is called "node". Potential energy is concentrated at this point called node because the harmonic of the frequency that controls the waves in the Ether or in the water, same principle, constantly feeds this point preventing it from collapsing. So, this point will always remain active as a node.

This point is where in the Ether matter will manifest. Matter is nothing but potential energy held at a single point by harmonics of its frequency. Music manifests matter, the right one.

So, gravity is a flow or current within a sea of potential energy which is the Ether. What gives the direction to the potential energy, what determines the direction of propagation of the wave which is gravity, is the consciousness itself. That is to say that gravity is a flow in the Ether which is a materialization of the observing consciousness. Nothing exists if it is not being observed. The fact that something is observed changes it, just by seeing it. This was proven in the year 1909 with the double slit experiment.

This in a very simplified and incomplete way, but in itself Swaruu 9 did a complete paper on exactly how it is created. Matter manifests from potential energy that is being organized by a harmonic of a frequency which itself is being orchestrated by the conscious observer.

So space is not a vacuum. It's just that we cannot observe the water or the fluid that it is. Because we are immersed in it, as a fish is also immersed in water. Without knowing that there is something outside the water itself. And like the fish that can only perceive the currents within the water that push it to one side or the other, we perceive those currents as gravity.

Questioner: Thank you. One of the favorite subjects after "Time". I remember that about matter, too. If it didn't have enough attention, consciousness, it would become potential energy.

Anéeka: That's right, without attention, or without a harmonic of a perfect frequency, that is to say mathematically reliable, the wave collapses, returning what had been matter back to potential energy, or more Ether.

Questioner: Then in space would there be music?

Anéeka: Yes, music is the harmonic of a frequency. The exact tones, the exact frequency with which the node receives the stimulus that does not allow it to collapse, and that harmonic music is the very consciousness of the observer.

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